Paternity Testing Centers of Canada
(877) 777-4004
100% Canadian
Owned Company

(877) 777-4004

Missing Parent Test

This test is a way for those with an absent parent, either deceased, missing or unavailable. The test can prove maternity or paternity for a child through comparing DNA with either the Maternal or Paternal (depending on which parent is missing) Grandparents.

The test is done with the child, the child's mother and the alleged Grandparents. Generally the mother's sample is used to eliminating her contribution to the child's DNA profile. The test however can be performed without a collected sample from the mother. In cases where the mother is the missing parent, the collected samples would be simply between the child and the maternal Grandparents.

The testing process is simple and painless, consisting of a separate cheek swab for all participants.
Missing Parent Test

Test Kit - $499
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