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(877) 777-4004

Y-STR Male Lineage Test

Y- STRs (short tandem repeats) are found on the male-specific Y Chromosome.

Y-STR testing, is a way of testing family relationships through paternal lineage. For example: to test if two males with different mothers, share a common father. This test is traditionally used as a supplement to paternity tests, or for things such as; inheritance disputes. It can also be used to supplement a Siblingship test.

On the level of personal interest, it is an useful test for those studying their genealogy. The test is able to determine if any relationship, through the fathers side of the family, is shared with another. Only male relations can be tested in this way due to the fact that the test is male chromosome specific. There are other testing options available for female relations. The test itself is painless and simply consists of a separate cheek swab for each participant being tested.
Y-STR Male Lineage Test

Test Kit - $499
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